It has been a while since i posted here....
well i'm doing it now to tell you a bit of what's going on and where i stand now and also because the last post is huge ass and i'm getting tired of scrolling down for hours every time and that just bugs me...
so, right now i believe i made it to the decent zone...yeah.
those animations that i uploaded are just BAD.
so i'm pretty sure that you'll enjoy the next projects i'll UPALOED
the first one is the long waited pixel frenzy.
not much to say, the collab made it to 7 minuets length and is soon to be published.
second one is keep it cool the remake, i believe some of you remember that series that failed.
but this time there is voice in it, hand drawn animation and spriting, and a BETTER script.
and third which i'll work on after i pixel frenzy is uploaded, i'll work on is another sonic series, and i'll try to make it look like AN SMBZ-CLONE!
well no.
and here's some stuffy i made, and i did started working on keep it cool but i rather not showing it: e544af676744035e130f
yeah i know it's short.....